The ATLAS school-based health promotion programme: does a need-supportive learning context help to motivate adolescent boys?
- Creator: van Dongen, Bonnie , Finn, Tara , Hansen, Vibeke , Wagemakers, Annemarie , Lubans, David , Dally, Kerry
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Can continuing professional development utilizing a game-centred approach improve the quality of physical education teaching delivered by generalist primary school teachers?
- Creator: Miller, Andrew , Eather, Narelle , Gray, Shirley , Sproule, John , Williams, Cheryl , Gore, Jennifer , Lubans, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Can physical education and physical activity outcomes be developed simultaneously using a game-centered approach?
- Creator: Miller, Andrew , Christensen, Erin , Eather, Narelle , Gray, Shirley , Sproule, John , Keay, Jeanne , Lubans, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Adolescents' perception of the relationship between movement skills, physical activity and sport
- Creator: Barnett, Lisa , Cliff, Ken , Morgan, Philip , van Beurden, Eric
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013